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AUGUST 6, 2008

6:00PM                  Holden Municipal Light Department

Present:  Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Jack Chandler, George Sherrill, Robert Beck, Brian Forts, Peter Liddy, Karl Makela, Mary Ryan, David White,  

Absent: Richard Bates, Hal Lane, Elizabeth Helder               

Others Present: Project Manager Robert Para, Architects Paul McAndrew and Wayne Whippie, Kaestle Boos Associates, W V Engineering, PE David Dill, Darleen Morin, Recording Secretary    

The Chairman called the meeting to order 6:07pm

Public comment

No one came forward to address the Committee.

Report from the Chairman

Chairman Lucchesi asked if preliminary cost reports would be done by August 22, 2008. Paul McAndrew stated that the preliminary cost estimate would not be done by the end of August.

Project Management

Mr. Rob Para addressed the committee. He will create a list of remaining items needed. He would like to make sure that the budgets from different departments are in collaboration. He will develop packets for KBA set for September. Mr. Pagano mentioned that the demolition of the house costs is expensive.

Some collaborative recommendation of items that could be alternates are – Pitch of the roof, second site exit, retaining wall, ease on to the restaurant land, car port, etc. Kaestle Boos Associates will look into the need for more GEO testing for the ease to the restaurant land. KBA will add the retaining wall to the next drawings. The six (6) carports were mentioned in the beginning but not added to the original budget and design plans. Once the design is complete, the budget will be relooked at and the alternate items will be readdressed.

Architect’s Report

Architect report packets were handed out. There were some concerns if the building structure capabilities will handle the weight of the steel structure. Structure team will submit the analysis at a later date.

The Holden Building Inspector gave approval to proceed with stairs.

Concerning areas- Handicap accessibility in locker rooms and bathrooms- used for firefighters only- accessibility not needed. Kitchen area will require reconstruction of design. Day room and dorm have full accessibility.

Kaestle Boos Association met with Conservation Committee. Meeting for 8/6/08 was cancelled. Project is outside of requirements. Chairman Chris Lucchesi has requested letter stating these statements. Kaestle Boos Association will provide letter.

Kaestle Boos Association presented 3(three) heating energy systems.

1)      Solar Thermal- requirements 16 panels @ 32 SF each, 5 – 120 gallon storage tanks, controls, piping, additional structure, needs collectors to store energy, need portable fans, placed in attic, won’t work correctly if converters get to hot.  Open system needs filtering system and many pages of regulations.

2)      Solar Photovoltaic, 1600 SF array near ride on south of roof. Massachusetts programs may provide funding up to 30% of costs. DC voltage converts to AC voltage, there would be a credit toward energy bill if not used. Open system needs filtering system and many pages of regulations.

3)      Geothermal HVAC- water source heat pump instillation injects heat into the water- energy get converted to AC- HVAV system slows down and saves energy (example- need less energy during night because less people and less computers being utilized), no impact on the structure of the building, Stays in basement not attic or roof, piping a closed system which only has 5 pages of regulations, needs 150 linear feet of water wells. Have to drill to find out where water table is. System needs hot and chilled water pumps and pumps for the wells. Uses less space with the building and no need for additional structure strength. Cost of system is influenced by the instillation cost of the wells, which may be more than projected quoted.

Solar power not recommended because of location within United States of America. Kaestle Boos Association did not get breakdown of Geothermal HVAC system. They did mention that the contractor Demare was nonresponsive. Kaestle Boos Association is to get quotes from Cushing and Son’s and Baystate Pump. It was mentioned that it may be difficult to obtain an estimate due to the fact that no project of this size has been done.

Kaestle Boos Association stated that the 3 types of System variances in maintenance cost are within +/- 10% of each other.

David Dill mentioned that the maintenance costs would be offset by the savings in the energy cost. The Committee mentioned that it is important to have the most reasonable and effective cost to maintaining the energy system.

Treasury Action

Handouts were presented detailing a reflection of what money has been spent.
June 30, 2008 was the fiscal year end. Need to add budget amount to July sheet.  

New Business

Accessibility issue to the kitchen and the day room need info next meeting- Kitchen redesign will be added to the plans.

David Dill of Kaestle Boos Association will provide comparison information pertaining to the replacement and maintenance cost of each energy system.

Kaestle Boos Association will provide a letter from the Conservation Committee stating that the project is outside of requirements.

Kaestle Boos Association will obtain breakdown of Geothermal HVAC system.

David Dill is to contact Assistant Town Manager Jackie Kelley.

Next meeting: August 20th

Approval of Meeting Minutes

There were no minutes submitted for approval.

Public Comment

No one came forward to address the Committee


Motion by Chairman Lucchesi, seconded by Dave White, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE AUGUST 6, 2008 MEETING AT 8:17PM.
